Monday, November 29, 2010


I love Thanksgiving. How can you not love a holiday that focuses around spending time with family and friends? And pie? I always think that Thanksgiving gets overlooked in the more materialistic holidays but Thanksgiving is great!!!

Matt and I had a marathon holiday with traveling to Indiana for a couple of days, back home to WI, and then on to Illinois. But we were able to see bunches of our family (and eat pie!). It did take us about two extra hours to get through Chicago, but still, it was a good trip.

On our way home, we stopped at a World Market, which we both love. There isn't one near us and it had been years since either of us were at one, so we stopped. I really enjoyed looking at the variety of goods and cool stuff for sale.

Back to the pie, I've cut sugar out of my diet so eating two (2!!) pieces of pumpkin pie was a real treat. But (as I told myself) how often do you get homemade pumpkin pie? And since the answer was "now," I ate the pie. I felt so sinful!