Monday, May 12, 2008

I'm the worst blogger ever!

Yes, it's official. I'm a horrible blogger. If you look at my blog, nothing has happened in my life for the last month or so. Apparently, I've been doing nothing. Well, as you can imagine, that's not true. I will now post many, many, MANY pictures in a not-so-veiled attempt to make it up to you. And maybe it will tell a story......

Even though we were all happily hibernating throughout the winter, Spring came anyhow. (This is what happens if I don't make the bed in the morning quick enough)

There was much rejoicing and feasting the end of the long hard winter.

Early flowers began to bloom. This is a now domesticated Jack-in-the-Pulpit. It was found running wild through the hills nearby, tamed (i.e. dug up) and moved to the wilderness preserve on Ash Street.

We all took our Spring baths in anticipation of what was to come.

Matt's potato garden. Yeah, I don't see anything yet either. This began as a spot to dump used potting soil, then a compost heap (see the pumpkin shells) and is now a potato hill. We'll see.

We received new toys to enjoy the spring weather.

We're all so excited about it, we just can't contain it.

We're all giddy about Spring! As giddy as schoolgirls, I mean, schoolboys.


JayD said...

Nice to know that you survived the winter. Isn't spring wonderful?

Anonymous said...

Hooray!!! A post from Merrilee!! And the pictures help ease how long it's been :)

Alaina said...

I'm so glad you're back!! I've been missing your posts! Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

Matt certainly does put up with you, doesn't he?
And I am jealous of your lawnmower. I tried to convince tim I needed one of those. Maybe with gas prices what they are...