Friday, February 20, 2009

A Bond question

I love James Bond movies. I know that this makes me an odd girl, but let's face it, there is plenty else that makes me an odd girl.

Also, does this make me a Bond girl?? Can I introduce myself as "Lee, Merrilee Lee?" Yeah, that won't add to the confusion!

Anyhow, Matt and I are in the middle of a discussion. If you are familiar with "Goldfinger," at the very end of the movie, the army at Fort Knox is gassed. Well, Matt says that they were gassed with something that made them pass out for a while but I say that they were not really gassed at all, and just fell over and played possum for a while.


PS. Scotland forever!


Anonymous said...

You lost me at Bond... guess that makes me a non-weird girl? Yeah right! Any girl who is comfortable making a duck on a string is not normal!

Alice said...

I love reading you two and your comments!
And of course they went to sleep. And got paid for doing it!!

Alice said...

OH, why Scotland Forever???

Merrilee said...

Ok since I like Bond AND can make duck on a string, does this make me so wierd that I come back around to normal???

Also, Sean Connery, Mr. "I'm a swarmy Scot with a sexy voice" is the best Bond, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

They were gassed!

Anonymous husband-