Sunday, August 30, 2009

Student teaching

This week is week 3 of my student teaching and so far, so good. The students (fifth graders) are pretty good and I know all 60 of their names! Yay!! I've only had two snarky comment to me, which must be some sort of record. So far I'm kinda working into the classroom and taking more responsiblity. I like it. Hopefully it continues to go well.

Last weekend, Matt and I went to the Madison Zoo and had so much fun!!!! We forgot our camera so we don't have any pictures but it was fun. We got so close to a tiger I could have touched it (but I didn't). And the Madison Zoo was free, even better!!! We needed a fun day out and we got it!!


Alaina said...

What fun! Glad your teaching is going well - 5th graders...not a stellar age for me. :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, 5th graders can be tough! Good for you!

Alice said...

Acutally, 5th graders just THINK they are tough. give them two more years! LOL
Enjoy you student teaching.
And get a nice cheap camera, put it in the car and LEAVE it there. you just might find it to be the only one you have for a whole vacation some time! (speaks the voice of experience!)