Saturday, December 13, 2008

I love the holidays!!

I hope that everyone enjoyed that post from Matt. Just a few caveats: we wouldn't really eat the cats. I think that joke started as a comment (probably from me) about their behavior and the consequences if it didn't improve. Also, the drier doesn't shrink any of my clothes, only Matt's and only in the waistband, no where else. It's a puzzle....

Finals are finally done! Yay! I had forgotten the joy of the academic calender! Yay for Christmas breaks! I know I've been MIA for a while but this past week I had: 3 tests, 2 papers, and my application for student teaching due so needless to say, I'm happy the week is over! Now I can look forward to Christmas baking, wrapping, and cards and I have more time to work on them than I've had in the past with a couple of days off. Yay! I'm gonna destroy the kitchen with Christmas baking!!!! I'm looking forward to it. This year's cookie list:

Butter cutouts (like sugar cookies only yummier)
sugar free meringues
spritz/cookie press cookies

Oh, I can't wait!! My only problem is that I'm a dough eater/spoon licker/professional bowl cleaner (which totally grosses Matt out and makes him question my sanity and potential for developing salmonella) (and that's fine with me because then I get more dough!). Well, it's ok to lick the spoon for one batch of cookies, but with that amount of baking, I just might go into a sugar coma. So I've developed a solution: chew gum while baking. No one wants to have wintergreen gum AND fudge in their mouth at the same time! Ha! I outwitted myself! (having just finished Abnormal Psychology, part of me really wants to dissect that statement, but I'll leave it alone)

For part of my student teaching application, the director of clinical services commented that schools google potential students to see what comes up. So I thought I would google myself and some pretty normal things came up: this blog, my facebook page, some articles I've been quoted in (yes, I'm famous), and other community related items. Then, on the next page of "Merrilee Lee" finds was:
Merrilee Lee, Utah, convicted in 2000 of manufacturing meth.


That's not me! I've never been to Utah, let alone manufactured meth. AND, there's two of us in the world! One "Merrilee Lee" was not enough??!?? The only good thing is that she was 34 in 2000 when convicted and I was in college in 2000. For the first time. And, I wasn't Merrilee Lee then! Yay, I have an alibi!! So any of you who knew me in 2000, knew of my whereabouts and the fact that I'm not a crook, I mean, jailbird, I just might need to call on you as character witnesses!!!!

Anyhow, now that school is done, expect more posts from me soon!!!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah... unfortunately the most famous Jenna Nielsen (spelled differently tahn my Neilsen but frequently confused) is a famous murder victim from North Carolina... delightful, hunh? But no doubt that we're not the same person!

Anonymous said...

Well there's a Jenny Sherrill in myspace with two little blonde girls...
and a Jennifer Sherrill (clearly not me) who (also clearly not me) competed in the 2004 Miss USA pagaent from Arkansas.
and another Jennifer Sherrill who's a singer from Chicago and has a way better voice than I do, judging by her myspace...

Anonymous said...

Girl, glad to hear your finals are over. Do avoid dissecting stuff with your abnormal psychology class. When I first started dating Leah, lots of my friends asked if since she was a socialigist if she would be psychoanalyzing me. My answer remains true, there simply aren't enough of me to be analyzed by her. I tried being a society by myself, but then Mom made me come in from the woods. As for googling ones-self: There once was a John Garner who was a vice president who went by the alias "Cactus Jack". Briefing through his wiki-page it seems he was a jerk (supported using federal troops to break up a labor union strike, whined about his office, sold senate seats etc.). Of course everyone know's my more famous cousin Jennifer.

Anonymous said...

I haven't googled myself recently. Must remember to do that. said we would be seeing more posts from you now that finals are over.