Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Worst student teacher ever!

Today in 7th period (luckily one of my better classes) I was instructing them on how to complete their homework. I wanted them to finish filling out the worksheet. So I said "And please finish filling out your sheet." Only I didn't say "sheet." Another word, very similar, popped (or pooped) out of my mouth. The class burst into laughter and I know that I turned bright red. I apologized for my language and predicted that I would fail student teaching. The students continued to laugh at me for about the next 5 minutes. Travis ( my cooperating teacher) wasn't in the room at the time but I told him after school JUST IN CASE someone commented on my language. These things happen but I wish they wouldn't happen to ME!


Jenna said...

Nah... it just made you the coolest student teacher ever!

Alice said...

I have a friend who has been a teacher for 35 years. She told a class where no one was doing the work that she didn't "Give a Rat's ass" whether they wanted to or not, they were going to do the work.
One of the little darlings told Mommy and she called the principal and wanted to talk about "proper language" in the class room.
the Principals reaction was that he "didn't give a rats ass about a talk about rat's Asses!"
Your fine!

Anonymous said...

Hee-hee... reminds me of when teaching pre-pre-algebra to 6th graders, talking about letters representing numbers. I said, "When the letters are right next to each other, it means they want to multiply." As soon as it came out of my mouth, I realized what I said... About half the class snickered, and the other half was clueless. I figured that the ones who thought it was really funny would at least remember the concept pretty well!! ;-P

-rachel :o)

(rachel who???... your former whetstone sister now living in south east asia... I found your blog from Jenny's and now I can follow many of my former sisters. We really must have a family reunion when I'm back in the US in a few years...)

Jenna said...

Hello Rachel! If you haven't found my blog it's: Whetstone sister resurfaces! I often wondered where you were!