Thursday, November 19, 2009


Today was not so hot in the realm of student teaching. I can see that classroom management is always going to be a problem for me. It's been really dificult to walk in to the middle of class and manage the class. At least with the middle school I started the school year with them. They knew from day one that I was teacher.2. These high school students don't. They are starting to recognize me as "instructor" but not all of them. Some of them are really good kids and I like them; others I could kick.

I keep thinking, this will be so much easier when I have my own classroom. But will it? How do I create a classroom that a) functions b)is open and supportive while c)maintaining control? I don't know and if someone does know, can you please tell me? I would really like to know!

Also, if you hear of any job openings, let me know: middle/high school social studies!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm still figuring this out and it's changes for every class I teach... mainly I find that I just have to be me. If I try to play the "disciplinarian" I end up with an unhappy class and an unhappy teacher... I expect respect and rarely have to demand it. Of course, college is easier in a lot of ways isn't?