Tuesday, January 15, 2008

All in favor that breakfast is good, say Aye!


The motion passes in favor of breakfast. Thank you for discussing the benefits and glories of breakfast foods. I especially enjoyed Dad's response listing the logical benefits of breakfast in order. I would also agree that waffles do have the greatest syrup to surface area ratio and you can put peanut butter on them. I just can't bring myself to put peanut butter on pancakes yet. And I stress "yet."

Ok, I'll change the topic.

I made curtains for our kitchen last night. Nothing special, just white panels, but as I was hanging them up, Matt remarked that the house was losing it's man-ish feel and was taking on a more girly feeling. I thought, "Well, yeah. That's the point." He was upset (not really) that I wanted to take down the vinyl blinds in the kitchen. Our house was a rental prior to us and I think that the tenant must have had stock in some sort of vinyl blind company because they are everywhere!!!! And I hate vinyl blinds. They feel cold to me, have no color, and are just ugly. Sorry if someone reading this likes them. Matt tried to argue the practical benefits of them but I wasn't listening. We compromised: I hung up the curtains I made and we left the blinds pulled up to the top until tonight when I'll take them down to hang the valance.

Today I was all excited because I'm wearing new dress pants to work. I was in dire need of dress clothes and I finally bought some this weekend. Anyhow, as I was driving to work, I tried to take a sip of my coffee from my travel mug when lo and behold, the top fell off. I ended up dumping about half of my cup onto my new pants, which are khaki. Drat. (Actually, I said more but this blog is PG-13 for Mom, so we'll keep it at "Drat") Well, I got to work and now I'm blotting them clean. But my theory is that since the spill is in my lap area, if I just keep moving, no one will notice. They might think that I just have ants in my pants, rather than coffee on my pants. We'll see how it turns out but all I can say is: Thank goodness for Spray n Wash!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about your pants... that really stinks... Though I love that your post was obviously written at work! Teehee...