Wednesday, June 10, 2009

*HELP* This Old House, the window edition

My next goal for our house is to work on the windows on the first floor. The second floor windows were replaced before we purchased the home and the original owner had intended to replace the windows on the first floor as well. Luckily they didn't. The windows are the original and to this history nerd, are super cool!!! But they do need some work. They need to be: recaulked, repainted, and in some places, the glass needs to be replaced. I also need to repainted the stuccoed foundation, which is currently off-white and will stay off-white.

Faithful blog readers, all 4 of you, I need your advice. Here are my window options:

A. Start with the first floor windows and work down, painting the foundation and basement windows last so any drips from the 1st floor windows can be covered up


B. Work my way up starting with the basement windows and foundation moving to the first floor


1. Do those handy-dandy caulk pointer things that you can buy to get a smooth line actually work or am I better off using my fingers?

2. Should I scrape all the old caulk off the windows or just the sections that are crumbling? When scraping caulk, should I use a special tool so that I don't scrape/break/shatter the glass?

A non-home improvement question: I heard somewhere that if you are craving a food item, you should eat it. The craving is your body's attempt to get you to eat that item and regulate your body. So if you are craving veggies, your body needs the vitamins found in veggies.

My question is: Does this apply to donuts? I had a dream last night about a chocolate donut and now I really want one. Is my body telling me that I have a donut deficiency? I'll stay away from the donuts but I'm still curious about donut deficiencies....


Anonymous said...

Okay... so I'm the last person who should be doling out advise about windows because I know nothing about them! If it were me I would start with the first floor windows and then move down to the basement windows (for your aforementioned reason of drips). I would also scrape and caulk that is peeling/in the way of replacing said peeling caulk but I doubt I would replace all of it (just sounds like too much work)...

And I say that if you are dreaming about said food, you should eat it. Dreams are serious stuff not to be messed with (though mine are usually bizarre and sometimes just plain wrong). But donut dreams... those can't be wrong.

Merrilee said...

That's what I thought about working my way down to the bottom. Seems more natural!

I'm also glad that someone other than me has odd dreams. Besides my donut dream, which is actually pretty bland, I've had dreams where I fight space aliens by placing a clump of brown sugar on their heads. And I knew clearly in my dream that it had to be BROWN sugar because white doesn't clump as nicely..... Oh boy.

JayD said...

On any one item that you are painting you should start from the bottom and work your way up (because when wet paint drips onto wet paint you can smooth it away easily - wet paint "streaks" on the old paint will always show up as lumps when you get around down to paint them). But as for each individual project, do them in the order you want.

Alice said...

About that caulk stuff. It's a case of do it now or do it later. Personally, I'd do it all at once! Even if you only do some at some later time you will have to do the rest of the old stuff. So I'd just do it NOW! LOL
And yes, I agree that if your body wants it bad enough you should eat it. and you might have had some low blood sugar that caused you to dream of donuts. Or it could just be that you wanted one! Jenna and I indulged on Monday on one donut each!

Lady Leah said...

Food also provides more than nutrional supprt for your boby, but also comforting support for the mind and soul. Chocolate has proven itself as capable of releasing endorphins in the body when eaten. And you can't have too many of those! Have a chocolate donut, and have a great day!

P.S. Have you heard about the Mars Real Chocolate Relief Act? Follow this link for info how to get free chocolate this summer!

Jenny said...

Okay, we have done old windows -- we actually replaced panes, repointed, and then recaulked. ("We" in this case actually means "Tim did it an I watched".)
You DEFINITELY want to take off as much caulk as you can get off without breaking the window. Because what isn't cracking is about to.
They have a tool to do this; it's got a plastic handle and a metal blade that's flat on the top and pointy on one side -- you'll find it near the glazing compound, (which is really what you should be using if you're reglazing the windows (are you going around the panes or just around the windows?)) in your home-improvement store.
Anyway, that tool is also used for smoothing the stuff; Tim uses the caulk gun to get the stuff out of the tube and then his finger to smooth it.