Thursday, December 10, 2009

Yay for Snow!!!

We had our first snow and received about 10 inches. It's hard to tell because it started blowing everywhere. Now it's beginning to look like Christmas! Of course, it's also very cold but that's ok.

We haven't had school for two days now: Wednesday because it was still snowing and today (Thursday) because it was still blowing and minus double digits temperature.

The best part is that I don't have to make these days up. They are an extra vacation for me!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hooray for extra vacation days!!

Alice said...

ah, the surprise joys of being a student teacher!

Carl said...

Hi Merrilee, I just happen upon your site and I am glad I did. You made me smile. It brought back memories. I look forward to reading your daily trials in the furtue.
Happy Holidays,