Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Today was supposed to be my last day of student teaching. I say "supposed to be" because we're having a snow day instead. I was brushing my teeth this morning when the phone rang at 6:15 which is never a good sign. It was my cooperating teacher informing me of the snow day to which my reaction was "Really?" as I looked out the window. We'd had about 3 inches of snow which isn't enough to call off school in Northern Illinois but the coming ice storm/freezing rain/rain/blowing snow/Holocene Ice Age complete with woolly mammoths (basically the weatherpeople have no clear idea of what is coming, just that it is coming and it could be a doozie) was enough for the superintendent to cancel school. So today is very anticlimactic. I had expected to finish strong. I wasn't expecting cupcakes like the 5th grade gave me on my last day (yummy!) but still, some type of closure. This, dear readers, is like anticlosure.

Actually I had a problem. I am currently one credit short of earning an geography endorsement so I've been taking a class online to fulfill that credit. (Which is the topic for another post) Since students have been taking finals, all the grading is caught up, and there was nothing for me to do, I brought my textbook to school with me so I could study. Yesterday I left it at school thinking that I would studying this morning. Hence the problem. So I drove to school after leaving a message with my cooperating teacher, hoping beyond hope that maybe, just maybe the secret back door entrance would be open, I could sneak in, and grab my textbook. And guess what??? Today was my lucky day because the back door was open!!!!!! I grabbed my book and cleaned off the rest of my desk. Still anticlimactic but better. So as soon as Wisconsin decides that yes, I'm a teacher, Illinois and Indiana can make the same decisions. Then I can find a job, start getting paid again, and basically become a productive citizen (again.)

The rest of the afternoon will be devoted to Christmas cookies. Today: fudge, both chocolate and peanut butter. Maybe as a reward for finishing student teaching, I'll let myself lick more than just the spoon.....


Jenny said...

Lucky you! Glad you could get your book and didn't get arrested for B&E -- that would look bad for getting a teaching job. (Other crimes apparently don't matter some places, but...)

Lady Leah said...

Congratulations Merrilee! You are going to make an awesome teacher. Indiana will be lucky to have you. Wisconsin and Illinois too!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for you! And hooray for snow days (even if it does make your last day anti-climactic) and especially yey for fudge!!

Jenny said...

And I HOPE Indiana gets you, just for the record. I MISS YOU. There may be another mer-alike around here but I miss YOU.

JayD said...

And Good Luck in the job search. I know nothing about teaching but I sure would be more than happy to give you a glowing personal reference (for what good that would do :-)