Monday, March 10, 2008

A Beautiful Sight

Yesterday as Matt and I were headed home from church, we passed 6 wild turkeys and at least 40 deer. Deer are such an amazing sight to me. They are so graceful and beautiful. Roughly 25-30 of the deer that we saw yesterday were all in one cornfield and it looked like someone had turned them out to pasture. It reminded me of something that had happened to me last summer.
Last summer, I was picking wild berries on my in-laws property when I heard this odd little moan. I had no idea what it was but it clearly wasn't a cat or dog. Then the bushes about 10 feet away from me started to shake. I suddenly realized how far away from the house I was and the fact that I was completely alone, minus the berries and flies who were not likely going to protect me much! Then I heard the noise again but it was closer this time. The bushes shook again. I tried peering through the bushes and then I caught sight of a pair of brown eyes. The noise I had heard was a fawn calling for its mom. This fawn was all alone walking though the cornfield and fence line when apparently it thought I was its mom and came within about 5 feet of me. I was trying to think of how to adopt a deer when it ran away. It was so cute!! I'm not certain why it was alone. I hope that its mom was alright and that they had just gotten separated. The fawn looked exactly like Bambi!!!
When I see deer, I don't know how a person could hunt it. Sure, I understand all the logical reasons for hunting: food, keep numbers down with lack of natural predators, and while I'm certain I could hunt if I had to, I don't have to. The supermarket does all of my hunting for me. And shooting such a noble looking animal as a deer seems like a travesty to me.

Now, hunting for the boxelder bugs that have somehow survived the winter in my house, that is a different matter!!!!!

I have spring fever. I want to plant flowers and veggies, open all my windows, and turn off the furnace. I am also missing my flipflops, skirts, and open windows while driving. Is anyone else feeling this way or am I just crazy???


Lady Leah said...

I hear you on the spring fever epidemic. I am getting sick of wearing the same 5 pairs of pants to work each week. Bring on the skirts and cute shoes! We also had our first lady beatle in our home last week. I let it outside, figuring it would be more comfortable in the snow. Spending more time in the sunshine definitly sounds appealing. Maybe by Easter we will see Spring's rebirth.

Anonymous said...

I'm totally feeling it too! And here, the deer are about year round (in fact they come into town during the winter, so we can step out of our door and see them many evenings). However, the cranes have just come back after the winter... and my goodness are they beautiful! I am so excited that the house we are buying almost borders the Monte Vista Wildlife Refuge and Wetlands (though when the mosquitos move in I'm sure I won't be so glad!).

Anonymous said...

I would have to vote that you are crazy but the rest of us like you that way :-)

Anonymous said...

I saw buds on trees this weekend! To me, that the surest sign that spring is on its way back. Take heart!

Alaina said...

I'm so over cold, wet winter. I'm usually over it after the 1st month. :) I cannot wait to get outside and plant! How cool about the fawn and deer in general! I couldn't hunt either...unless I really, really had to.

Anonymous said...

The approaching Spring now means the depressing early start of Daylight Saving Time (DST). Suddenly, it is dark in the morning again just like it was in December. But the Sun still goes higher in the sky as the earth tilts on its axis and Spring arrives despite the added expense of DST. Benjamin was wrong to even suggest DST!
P.S. URL not crazy