Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mer: 3 (!); Mice: 0(ish)

Yay!!!!!! Success!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our curator was upstairs near the collections storage rooms and heard a rustling noise. She yelled for me because part of my job description is official rodent remover. My two missing traps? Found. One with a dead mousey and the other with one still looking at me. I hate that. Both had just put one paw in the trap and had been caught by only one leg. Horrible. I managed to get the still live one outside and the last I saw of it, it was sitting in our front yard licking its leg. I don't think it will last long since we also have several cats in our area and one in particular that likes the pigeons that roost on our building. We found a present on our front porch last week with a tell-tale bloody cat paw print.

Anyhow, success with the mice. I left the traps and we will hopefully have no more unwelcome visitors.

Do you remember my post about hunting? I couldn't even bring myself to kill a mouse, how could I kill anything larger?


Anonymous said...

The continuing saga Of Mice and Mer

Anonymous said...

Applause... Applause... You are the winner.
And may the outside mouse never be back to bother you... and may he warn his friends before he expires.

Anonymous said...

Hi Girl,

Glad to hear you are not taking crap from wildlife. It reminds me of when we were young and one of our cats (pre-mac or gus, both of which couldn't catch anything but a couple of z's) would catch a mouse. The cat would run through the house with the mouse squeeking loudly and hide somewhere extremely inconvienent to reach. Mom would instantly be on top of whatever chair was near by and start hollering. Then Dad, Boy, or Girl (whoever was around) would don leather gloves, grab the rodent from the cat (that's the hard part, the cat never lets go easily) and throw the mouse (...drum roll please...) down the hill. Ahh the good old days :)

Anonymous said...

Yey! And yuck... Reid and I are moving in to a 1905 farmhouse... I've already told him we're investing in mouse "humane" traps and will then trek far away to release them! :)

Anonymous said...

Alright... It's April! Time for a new post!