Monday, July 21, 2008

A Fair Weekend!!

Very punny, Mer, very punny!

It was a fair weekend: Matt and I went to 2 (two)!!

Yay for fairs! I love fairs. They are just fantastic!! We went to the fair in our small town (the only community one in Illinois) and had a great time! Last year I entered a couple of canned goods: beet jelly and pickled beets. I won first for my pickled beets (thanks to Aunt Genny's recipe) and my beet jelly took second because some other woman had violet jelly. Violet jelly? What a waste of sugar!!! (Does anyone else remember making sugared violets? And if you have never heard of them, they are exactly what they sound like: boring pieces of sugared flowers) Anyhow, last year I was quite perturbed that I lost. I eventually stopped muttering, "Second, second? Violets, violets?" and started coming out of the basement more and more. Ha!

This year I didn't enter because I don't have too many canned goods to enter and I mistakenly opened the jar of chili sauce I was going to enter. Oh well.

But enough of my contest woes. This year we just went and had fun. The best part is saying hello to all of the animals: sheep, goats, and cows. They also had truck pulling, which is a sport I don't get. But it was still neat.

That was Friday night. Saturday night we went to Wisconsin to a county fair.
Now that was F-U-N!! I haven't been to a county fair in years!!!!! The rides, the food, the exhibits, the carnies (small hands, smell like cabbage) Oh such much fun!!!!!!

We also went to say hello to the animals! We're just like that. You know those people that actually say "hello" to the animals as if they know English? Yeah, that's us (well, me at least!).
We looked at all the dairy cattle (we're in Wisconsin, so there were a lot. And please ignore those commericals for California cheese, our cows are far happier than any other cow!!!!)
We looked at pretty Jerseys, Guernseys, Brown Swiss, Red and Black Holsteins and who knows what else. I like cows.
Then we went to the goat/sheep barn and a strange occurrence happened. At first it was just the goats. Matt and I thought that it was because I had a gyro for supper. The goats kept coming up to me and nibbling. On my dress, on my fingers, whatever they could find. They would come to me from other side of the pen. We thought since I had a gyro, maybe I smelled like goat??? And my dress was flower print, so maybe they thought it was actual flowers?? Some of them even ran (or trotted) over to me!!!! (I have the same effect on men:)

But then the sheep starting doing it!!!!!!! All of them let me pet them like dogs. It was very funny. And odd. So now my name is "Mer of the Goat People." All goats and sheep were strangely drawn to me.

Except that sheep do call for Matt: "Maaaaat, Maaaaat." According to him.

We also saw the awarding winning Swiss Cheese (remember, Wisconsin)
And I had ice cream (Wisconsin)
Matt had corn (Wisconsin)

All it all, it was a very fair fair!!!!

This weekend there is a fair in Iowa. Wonder if they'll have elephant ears? I am on a years' long quest for elephant ears. I have been craving one for at least 4 years. There weren't any at our fair and only funnel cakes in Wisconsin, elephants being a foreign creature and therefore protected by the Anti-Margarine Code of 1889. We even asked around for elephant ears but no one had any. Some people didn't even know what they were! I could find a deep-fried twinkie or snickers bar but no elephant ear. What is wrong with this picture!!!!!!

Ok, someone please tell me that you have been to a fair recently and have at least seen elephants ears being sold! Otherwise I might go back to the basement......

"E" is for the way I enjoy you
"L" is for the way I love you
"E" is for your yumminess when I eat you.....

and that's enough. You get the picture!
Elephant Ear, Stat!


Anonymous said...

If I had known you were craving one, I'd have enjoyed the on I had today for you too. I was also on a years long quest for elephant ear. I finally achieved it this afternoon...although it wasn't very good. It was too doughy.

Anonymous said...

the boys (in some collection or other) made three trips to our fair last week -- the last one being the two biggest ones (Daddy and Mark) going to the antique tractor pull. the first outing all Mark wanted to do was climb on the combine.
And I actually turned down the offer for a funnel cake -- last year's did NOT sit well with me. Am I too old for grease??? Perhaps the State Fair will have an elephant ear to eat in your honor.

Lady Leah said...

Elephant ears are available here in Indiana. We had one at the Tippecanoe Fair on Saturday. I wish you luck on your search for this sweet delight. Perhaps you can come to the Indiana State Fair and have one with us?

JayD said...

Perhaps when you come to the Indiana State Fair for your elephant ear you can crew for the hot air balloon race. :-) I'm always looking for crew!

Anonymous said...

I learned the hard way, during my one year stint as "Miss Hamilton County" (impressive, I know) that pigs can't tell the difference between flowered print and flowers... probably neither can goats or sheep.

Alaina said...

There are definitely elephant ears at the IN State Fair - I've worked at the concession stand that sells the absolute best! Hands down.

Don't even get me started on candied violets - those were so sticky to make and never turned out that well. Sadly, I have actually considered trying them at home...thought not done - that's better, right? :)