Thursday, July 31, 2008


I have some exciting news to share: I don't have consumption. No TB here!! Yay!
I had to have a TB test at the doctor's and I came up negative. Not that there was much of a concern that I would have consumption but I definitely don't. Yay! Now I don't have to move to a drier climate or live in a consumption ward. Goody!

Blog consumer update:

In an effort to be a little greener and smear fewer man-made chemicals on me, I switched to a greener deodorant. Tom's of Maine makes toothpaste and deodorant. I tried the apricot scent which smelled more like peaches than apricots but that's ok. And I found out something very important: if you are going to switch deodorants, don't do it at the end of July when it's 88+ degrees outside. Stick with your Secret powder fresh until the heat of summer is done. Tom's works for about 3/4 of the same time as Secret does. It doesn't have aluminum in it but instead has hops. And no, you don't hop around when you put it on nor do you make some kind of funky underarm beer (which would make for an interesting marketing technique if it did: "In a long boring meeting? Need something to make the time go faster? With Tom's of Maine hop underarm beer fermentation tank, you can have all the beer your underarms can make! Try our ale flavor as well!)

So I switched back to Secret until fall. A lesson learned.........

Last night I went for a walk. I'm not certain why but the everywhere I walked, butterflies were there. You know the little yellow butterflies that always end up on your car's grill? Those. They were right alongside the road in droves and as I walked along, they flew up and flutter along next to me. I think it might have been mating season but it was still lovely to walk along with the butterflies. Made me feel like a Disney Princess albeit a sweating, headphones and tennis-shoe wearing Disney princess.

Deep thoughts with Mer: I thought of something while I was walking last night. We have a country road near us called Pleasant Hill Road. Sounds lovely, doesn't it? Well, you know those treadmill programs that have you walk up an incline, down an incline, and repeat to simulate walking up and down hills? God made a natural one for us here. I personally think it should be called Butt-kicking Hill Road. It's a great road to walk on because of that. And I can say hello to cows, dogs, cats, and more cows. It's just a beautiful road!!!

As I was approaching the last steep incline, I thought, "Self, you know, this hill is hard to climb. Instead of thinking about how hard it will be to reach the top of this hill, I need shorter goals. My new goal is: walk to that mailbox, then the next driveway, then that patched bit after that, and finally that shady part. All I need to do is think about reaching that mailbox. And I do. Then that driveway, and so on up the hill. Suddenly I'm at the top of the hill and I didn't even realize how hard it was to get there. I just kept putting one foot in front of the other, listening to my Wayne's World 2 soundtrack CD, and suddenly I'm there! Goal achieved.

This is kinda like life. We all have long term goals in our minds: debt free, families, living in our dream home, a dog name Louie. But those goals are so far off sometimes that we have to make shorter goals: pay off a credit card, be happy in ourselves, save money to buy that dream home, occasionally pretend the cat is a dog named Louie. One foot in front of the other to the shorter goals and bam! Suddenly you and your husband Fabio have adopted Louie Dog to run free in your mortgage free dream home on 50 wooded acres. Just make it to that mailbox!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's deep Mer... though I don't think having a dog named Louie is too difficult of a goal. The pound is full of Louies!