Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Random Miscellany

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Fourth of July!!!!!
I certainly did. I was able to head back to Indiana for a long weekend. Matt wasn't able to go so he was sorely missed. Anyhow, I was able to see family that I haven't seen in years and spend time with Mel and Jenny which was great fun. (Jenny made me promise to mention that)

What do Julia Childs, Emeril, and I all have in common? We like to cook!! I think I might have invented a recipe but I'm not certain. Has anyone had White Chicken Lasagna before?
The subtitle to this recipe should be: How to use up those lasagna noodles you impulsively bought a couple of weeks ago. Some people impulsively buy cars or furniture, I buy pasta. Oh well.

Anyhow, in case you are curious, here is my pseudo-recipe. I don't believe in recipes. They're only guidelines for cooking anyhow, not commandments.

Chicken, cooked and shredded. Saute onions. Make roux with onions. Add canned tomato chunks or just a little tomato sauce for some color. Use for sauce in lasagna strata.


It was good, really good. And the best part is that it makes a ton so I have plenty of leftovers to pack for my lunch this week. Although I think by Thursday I might start sprouting lasagna noodles for ears and ricotta for hair!!

P.S. I do have approximate measurements that I can share if anyone is interested. But they're only approximate!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think lasagna noodles would make better hair than ricotta... in case you want to try. :)