Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Jenny's Meme

My band: The Regar District

(It's in Tajikistan. Yeah, I didn't know that either.)

First album: Lived One's Life Properly

So I'm guessing that I'm some sort of Euro-pop band? Cool!
On a different note, I've had some thoughts on winter. I read somewhere that Midwesterners show the greatest amount of hope compared to any other region in the US because we know that regardless of how long the winter is, spring will come. There is no doubt about that. I think it's not just Midwesterners but anyone who experiences drastic changes in weather. We all know that spring will come. It's just waiting for the right time.
True for many aspects of life, just waiting for the right time.
For example, Matt and I would love to have a dog. But we're concerned about how our two cats would react. Matt suggested last night that we get a small herding dog who could herd the cats around. And while the thought did make me laugh and think about "herding cats," I'm afraid it wouldn't work. Oh well, eventually we'll get Scraps and Louie (our dogs, Scraps is a little fellow and Louie is a big silly dog) Yes, we've already named our nonexistent dogs! We need hobbies!!!!


Anonymous said...

Speaking from experience... the cats will get used to it (though I do worry about disturbing the balance of our household when we bring a REAL baby into the house someday)...

Anonymous said...

I like the thought of a herding dog. AND I like your names for your not-yet-adopted dogs. I hope they fit once you know them. (And a herding dog can't be Louie.)

And I love your band. I think you're right, you're some kind of European group. Very hip. I bet you wear black turtlenecks and black pants and black leather jackets and ugly shoes. And weird hair.

Anonymous said...

A hobby? How's about chasing hot air balloons? Oh wait, you live too far away too. Drat!

Jamie said...

I saw your note about 20 inches on Jenna' blog, yikes! And I thought Kansas City had been having a rough winter.

Hope all is well with you.