Friday, February 29, 2008

Spring is definitely here!!

How can I tell, you ask? Did I have a sighting of the elusive robin? Or perhaps a brave crocus was struggling to lift its head above the frozen soil? No, dear blog readers, it was nothing of the sort.

I was at a local drugstore and spotted the first true sign of spring. It was.......Cadbury Eggs! They only come out at Easter (a fact that my hips appreciate!) and are the first true sign of spring. I think that they are my most favoritist candy in the world. (My grammar has been overcome by my excitement regarding these fabulous chocolate eggs). There is just something borderline addictive about them. Maybe it's the milk chocolate shell or the gooey inside. And I only like the original ones. Cadbury came out with caramel eggs a few years ago, but I only like the "true" Cadbury Eggs. I know that some people (i.e. Matt) find them gross and too sweet. Well, that is fine with me as long as they give me their Cadbury Eggs!!! Well, since I had to buy important things at the drugstore like posterboard and contact solution, I also purchased an egg, completely ignoring the fact that I had just spent 45 minutes on the treadmill at the gym. I figure that one egg is probably equal to 45 minutes walking on the treadmill so I broke even. The egg didn't make it home. It was consumed before I even reached the last stoplight in the county. Yummmmmmmm.
Unfortunately, all this talk about Cadbury Eggs makes me want to buy more. Maybe I need more contact solution and posterboard..........

Sign #458 that we live in a small town:
Matt was in our driveway after work on Wednesday when the police drove by. And circled around, which is enough to make even the most law-abiding citizen a tad bit nervous. The police chief of our town (we only have two police officers and I think they take turns being "chief") told Matt that he ( the popo, E-town 5-0, or whatever you want to call them) had been told to enforce the clean sidewalk law in town and we needed to clean our sidewalks. Now, I had shoveled the sidewalk clean after the last major snow but it had drifted over in a couple of spots, which made us in violation of the "clean sidewalk act of 1927." Please also keep in mind that we are having the snowiest winter in 50 years with a record-breaking 70+ inches of snow. What I find the most ironic in this whole story is that the only crime the police had to fight at that moment was our snowy sidewalk. There were no dead bodies or burglarized homes to investigate, car accidents to report, or even a run-away dog that needed to be found. Oh, no, we were the major law breakers in our area with our drifted over sidewalk.

But you can relax, we're not going to end up the pokey for our unshoveled sidewalk. Or even on the "Group W" bench. I shoveled the sidewalk when I got home. All the way to our neighbor's property line. Who, by the way, haven't shoveled their walk either!!!!!


Alaina said...

Oh, I love Cadbury eggs, too! My Grandma still buys them for us every year for Easter - yum! I like the carmel and the original. They are scrumptious.

So weird about the side walk :)...I would think maybe garbage or grass clippings would constitue a violation but snow???

Anonymous said...

I like the fact that Matt was told that the snow was a problem but that you were the one who shoveled the snow! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm with Jenna on this... Matt, the law-abiding local guy as he is, should have jumped from his car, grabbed the shovel, and cleared the offending sidewalks as a show of unity with the local Law. I mean, what if someone come and hassles him in the bank? Is the chief going to jump to help him, when he waited for his wife to come home and shovel the walks? Hmmm...
And on the subject of Cadbury Eggs: When we were in London the first time, McDonalds there was advertising their spring special, Cadbury Egg McFlurries. I wanted one SOOOO BAD but I didn't want to go to McDonalds in London. Of course they didn't have them in our lousy country. My hips probably thank me.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Girl. Being male I am relatively immune to the narcotic effects of cadbury eggs so I have little comment on this other than that you need help getting out of this addiction. In other news: So did you have to pay $50 and clean up the snow in the snow? The next time the cops hassle you about your sidewalk, just do what I do when EPA shows up while I'm pouring toxic chemicals into an endangered animal... : Bribe them like it's 1999.

Anonymous said...

The "Group W" bench? Wow, is that a reference to Alice's Restaurant? Talk about obscure!!

Alaina said...

I had my first one tonight...delicous!